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NAWAD Strategic Plan 21.02.24.pdf


1.1.Indicator 1.1.Number of individuals trained in management skills and advocacy to strengthen their CSOs supported by CSSA assistance.pdf

1.2.Indicator 1.2.Number of individuals that participate in advocacy initiatives undertaken by NAWAD with support from CSSA.pdf

1.3.Indicator 1.3.Number of womens groups, trade and business associations receiving USAID_CSSA funds for citizens participation in development.pdf

1.4.Indicator 1.4.Number of advocacy messages posted on NAWADs social media platforms.pdf

1.5.Indicator 1.5.Number of women smallholder farmers accessing loans from NAWADs business enterprise.pdf

1.6.Indicator 1.6.Number of NAWAD-supported activities designed to promote or strengthen the civic participation of women.pdf

1.7.Indicator 1.7.Number of resources from the private sector.pdf

2.1.Indicator 2.1.Number of dialogues held.pdf

2.2.Indicator 2.2.Number of follow up meetings with the PDM committees.pdf

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