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Join the Movement: Elevate Agriculture, Empower Women

Goal: $2,000 for Portable Grain Storage Silos


The National Association of Women in Action in Development (NAWAD) is committed to revolutionizing agriculture to empower women and create food-secure households. “NAWAD promotes women’s entrepreneurship knowledge and skills for improved livelihoods through research, capacity building, the establishment of community women scholars, community-based enterprises, policy advocacy, planning, and monitoring. Our goal is to provide sustainable solutions that transform the lives of women and girls. To date, NAWAD has built the capacity of 1,532 female smallholder farmers in advocacy, local governance planning, and enhanced budgeting processes. As a result, 780 female farmers practice climate-smart agriculture in Nwoya and Mbarara districts, and 72,300 beneficiaries have been reached through community sensitization and awareness campaigns.


Agriculture and women’s economic empowerment are two of NAWAD’s focus areas. Women are economically unequal to men by virtually every measure. When women have sustainable incomes, they invest in their communities and families: buying or growing more and healthier food, investing in their family’s health care and medicine, and using their income to pay for their children’s education. NAWAD believes that Economically empowered women create healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable societies.


Why Portable Grain Storage Silos?


As the harvest season draws near,  so does the need become urgent for portable silos for our women farmers.  Portable silos for storage play a crucial role in preventing food loss and wastage, addressing the pressing issue of poor storage that significantly impacts both the income of women farmers and the overall food supply. FAO estimates from 2011 suggest that as much as 37 percent of food produced in Sub-Saharan Africa needs to be recovered between production and consumption. Estimates for cereals are 20.5 percent. For post-harvest handling and storage loss only, the FAO estimate is 8 percent, and the African Post-harvest Losses Information System (APHLIS) estimate is 10-12 percent. As championed by NAWAD (National Association of Women in Agriculture and Development), empowering women through improved post-harvest management is pivotal. Inadequate storage often results in spoilage, diminishing the economic gains of women farmers who are essential contributors to agricultural productivity. Portable silos provide a practical solution, allowing for efficient storage and preservation of harvested crops, thereby safeguarding the economic interests of women in agriculture. By investing in portable silos, NAWAD not only supports women farmers but also initiates a positive ripple effect, contributing to broader economic growth and ensuring a more resilient and sustainable food supply chain. Help us cultivate a future of empowered women, food security, and sustainable communities.

How your support will make a difference

  • Empower Women: Enhance the role of women in agriculture by providing them with the tools they need for successful post-harvest management.
  • Food Security: Contribute to creating food-secure households, reducing waste, and ensuring a stable food supply.
  • Community Development: Strengthen local economies and foster community development through access to improved post-harvest and storage technologies.

 Ways you can contribute



Every shilling or dollar brings us closer to our goal. No amount is too small! Every amount counts!


Spread the word on your social media. Let your friends, family, and colleagues know about our campaign.


Encourage individuals, businesses, or organizations to support our cause.


How to Donate


Mobile money (MTN)

Dial *165*4*4#

Merchant code: BEYONIC

Payment reference: NAWAD

Amount: …………………

Airtel Money

Dial *185#

Option 4: pay the bill.

Option 9: others

Business name: 998998

Amount: ………………………………

Reference: NAWAD         

Bank your contribution

Centenary Bank

Account name: National Association for Women’s Action in Development

Account number: 3100104153


Partnerships & Acknowledgments

  • All contributors will be recognized on our website and social media platforms.
  • Businesses contributing $500 or more will display their logo prominently on our post-harvest storage facilities.

For more information, contact

Jennifer, Officer in charge

Tel: +256701 618599 / +256-782094991

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